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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

christos@ wrote:

> On Nov 24,  7:18am, (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
> | Then you don't have any patch for existing (and not warned) abcksum().
> | Are you also okay to specify -fno-strict-aliasing with the original code
> | as I and mrg (and now Taylor) suggest, rather than patching only
> | warned assignments?
> The patch works. It is not future-proof, but it works. There is
> currently no way (that I know of) to flag all the strict-aliasing
> violations, so the best we can do is to fix the ones the compiler
> and warns about.

All suggested patches (which appease warnings) will work.
You are interested in fixing aliasing violation (while you
also suggested "incorrect" fix which just appeases compiler).
I would rather like to keep readability and maintainability.

To satisfy both demands, the only option is to reorganize
boot sector structures with union, but it won't happen soon
due to lack of resources and motivations.  That's all.

Anyway, -fno-strict-aliasing seems to get majority, so I'll take this one.
(there are so many other tasks blocked this dumb trouble on atari)

Izumi Tsutsui

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