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Domu disk performance ideas

We are considering using NetBSD as a dom0 for 25 some HVM windows XP machines
in a production environment (Municipal workstation images)

I came across the following link, I realize that it is dated, and I
wonder how relevent the stats are now
say NetBSD -CURRENT dom0 vs recent CentOS

on the NetBSD side though, is partition backed Domu's faster than file
image based?
can hardware RAID 0 make file image based domu's faster?

What about NetBSD LVM? I never used it but I noticed it was a topic here

I would be interested to hear from anyone running Xen in a Production
Eg, how many domu's and simple server hardware specs. I would like to
present these
findings in a report to make my case for using NetBSD over Linux as a Xen Host.

Thank you for any input

Sam Fourman Jr.
 Fourman Networks

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