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Re: domU's report "Out of memory allocating ksiginfo for pid ###"

On Jul 23,  8:16pm, mbowie%buzmo.com@localhost (Mike Bowie) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: domU's report "Out of memory allocating ksiginfo for pid ###"

| Christos,
| Thank you for the reply.  Given my lack of specific NetBSD experience, I 
| had hoped to avoid the overhead of familiarizing myself with the source 
| tree etc; however in light of your response, I think perhaps it's a good 
| reason to dive in and do so.  (Although in all honesty, I had hoped 
| someone would point out something fundamentally simple which I had 
| overlooked!)
| Having had some more time to muse over the issue, I think I'm going to 
| see about pulling my environment closer to HEAD and see where that takes 
| me; I'd likely fall into despair were I to hack my way to a solution 
| which was already in the upstream repo. ;-)  On the other hand, should I 
| manage to replicate the issue on a more recent build, I'll roll my 
| sleeves up and see if I can step up to the challenge.
| Thanks again for your reply; every little insight feeds into the solution.

The kernel source tree is pretty simple in its organization. 
The file you want to modify is /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c.
Look for "Out of" in it. This is the place you want to add
the accounting code.


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