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Re: recent dom0 kernels reboot on loading?

On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 15:52:36 +0200 Manuel Bouyer wrote:

 MB> Can someone please try this patch and see if it solves the problem ?
 MB> It doesn't seem to have bad effects on my systems, but I didn't see
 MB> the crash either before ...

Yes, it works fine for me too. Thank you.

Below are some effects I am faced with new system but it is not related to
your patch.

1) In recent versions of xen kernel it appears some changes was made with
console driver. Before upgrade the xen kernel booted in text mode (I hope I
call it correctly, standard 80x25 text screen or something). Now it boots in
some vga mode -- fonts look rather ugly and have another resolution. When
netbsd kernel boots it uses only higher part of screen and it looks
ugly. Workaround for me to get old behavior: specify destination for xen
console as com1 only (console=com1) and use console=tty0 for netbsd
kernel. Then xen does not switch in this ugly vga mode and netbsd kernel
output looks like it was earlier. I suppose there is right way to get the same
effect, may be some boot options, but I can't find those ones in xen manual.

2) During boot I see these messages from xen kernel on the console:

(XEN) mm.c:503:d0 Could not get page ref for pfn bff02
(XEN) mm.c:2324:d0 Could not get page for normal update
(XEN) mm.c:503:d0 Could not get page ref for pfn bff02
(XEN) mm.c:2324:d0 Could not get page for normal update
(XEN) mm.c:503:d0 Could not get page ref for pfn bff02
(XEN) mm.c:2324:d0 Could not get page for normal update
(XEN) mm.c:503:d0 Could not get page ref for pfn bff02
(XEN) mm.c:2324:d0 Could not get page for normal update
(XEN) mm.c:503:d0 Could not get page ref for pfn bff02
(XEN) mm.c:2324:d0 Could not get page for normal update

Although it appears it does not hurt.

Mikolaj Golub

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