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RE: [Wanted] Dual ROSS RT626@200 MHz

-----Original Message-----
From: port-sparc-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost 
[mailto:port-sparc-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost] On
Behalf Of BERTRAND Joël
Sent: March-04-14 2:26 PM
To: chase rayfield
Cc: port-sparc%NetBSD.org@localhost
Subject: Re: [Wanted] Dual ROSS RT626@200 MHz

        I have a lot of SS20 with 2*SM71, 2*RT626@200 and my main
workstation with 4*RT626@200 to develop on sparc32 as I have some trouble to
run NetBSD on Leon4-ITX system.

Not sure if it's useful, but I have an SS20 (still running the latest 4.0
NetBSD release, because of the SMP problem) that has a pair of RT620/625 180
MHz ROSS CPUs.  It's powered down but ran as recently as a few months ago,
and I don't mind firing it up if anyone needs me to test something on it.

Have an SS10 with a pair of RT620/625 90 MHz CPUs in it too.  RT number as
reported by /var/log/messages, anyway.


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