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Re: [Wanted] Dual ROSS RT626@200 MHz

chase rayfield a écrit :
I have a 150Mhz module laying around somewhere... I needs to be repasted
but I think it works other than that. I have dual SM-81s in my SS20 now
so..... there isn't alot of point in a single 150Mhz hypersparc on my
end since I don't have 2 of them.

Have you considered that this might just be a kernel bug? I think I
remember there being timing issues on the SMP kernels did that ever get
completely resolved? Also does that leon card plug into something or is
it standalone just curious... you said ITX but it sounds like it is PCI
or something in which case it might be interesting to put it in a
Sparc64 server that has PCI-X.

        Thanks a lot for your answer.

I have a lot of SS20 with 2*SM71, 2*RT626@200 and my main workstation with 4*RT626@200 to develop on sparc32 as I have some trouble to run NetBSD on Leon4-ITX system.

        Target board is this one :

It natively runs an old linux release. I have installed a [dr]ecent debian release but debian has now dropped sparc32 support. Thus, I'm trying to port NetBSD on this board. But, I have to check that all required programs (http://www.rpl2.net) can run without modifications on NetBSD/sparc. Each build process takes with -j4 several hours to complete :-(

On regular SS20, SMP kernel seems to run like a charm. Current installation was made from daily binaries (maybe with a 5.99.56 kernel ?) and I've only seen a few "clock backward" message. This SS20 contains : two 73GB disks (in raid1), 4 and now 2 RT626@200MHz, 448 MB, a 4MB VRAM and one HME ethernet interface (and of course some extra fans ;-) ). It is stable, more stable than it was under Solaris 9.

        Best regards,


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