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Re: Re (4): installing NetBSD on a Sparcstation 2.

On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 09:09:10AM -0700, peasthope%shaw.ca@localhost wrote:
> No malice is intended in that statement.  It is 
> simply my understanding of professional practice.

Yes, professional practice but NetBSD is done by volunteers in their
own time.  What gets looked at depends on motivation, hardware and
time - hardware may be able to be redressed somewhat with emulators.
Motivation is harder but sometimes people displaying interest by
testing and reporting bugs can be enough.

> Debian abandoned the old Sparcs and I still hope 
> to see BSD working on this machine.

The best way to keep a port alive is get involved, actively test
things and report problems - this is especially important for release
candidates so we can get a release out the door that is tested
functional.  You don't need to fix things beyond your capability but
patches are always very welcome in a PR where they can be provided.

As for the installer not finding the disk - can you see the disks at
the PROM level using probe-scsi?

Brett Lymn
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