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Re: ERLITE-3 boot problems

To resolve the booting issue that started this thread, I want to document what worked.

- Download http://nycdn.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/latest/evbmips-mips64eb/binary/gzimg/octeon.img.gz

- Write the image to a suitable USB drive.  I had problems with a USB2 drive (the firmware timed out scanning devices; perhaps a timing issue?), but a USB3 worked fine.  The image has a GPT that defines a FAT partition (octeon-boot) and an FFS partition (octeon-root).  The former includes the kernel in the file 'netbsd'; the latter is the root filesystem.

- Power the ERLITE-3 to get to the boot console and redefine the bootcmd to load the netbsd kernel file and define the correct root filesystem:

	set bootcmd 'fatload usb 0 $loadaddr netbsd;bootoctlinux $loadaddr coremask=0x3 root=wedge:octeon-root'

- Insert the USB drive in the ERLITE-3 and boot.  The first boot resizes the root filesystem to occupy the rest of the USB drive, which can take a long time for a large drive.

- Fix up configuration in /etc and so on.

This should lead to a working system, although all the sets are not included in the disk image and additional configuration is no doubt required.

I hope this helps anyone else trying to get NetBSD running on an ERLITE-3.


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