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Re: Booter for 9.3 kernel not working

On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 2:41 PM Jason Thorpe <thorpej%me.com@localhost> wrote:
> So, what I'd like to see NetBSD do here is:
> - Massage the latest Booter sources into something that can live in src/sys/arch/mac68k/stand/.
> - Use the library routines in src/sys/lib/libsa, etc. to the extent possible.  Right now, there's duplication of older versions of some of that code.
> - Make it possible to cross-build the Booter from src/sys/arch/mac68k/stand/... using the Retro68 toolchain.

I'm interested in seeing what I can do here.  I'm going to be tied up
quite a bit for the next few weeks, but I'll aim to look at the
Retro68 toolchain in more detail and see how much progress I can make.
I ported the gcc toolchain a few years back to a custom ISA I
designed, so I'm fairly comfortable translating those skills to a
fairly complex cross-build effort.  I'll open up a new thread when
there's something to report.  In the meantime, if anyone has any
suggestions or things I should be wary of, feel free to contact me



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