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Re: Booter for 9.3 kernel not working

Thanks everyone for the pointers.  There are a few booter versions
that might be more recent than the 2.0.0 that is up on the release
site, but none of them seem to work.  The good news is that a few of
them have better debugging output, and I'm going to pick through that
more when I have some time as well as set up a build environment to
see if I can add even more.  The problem is not specific to the NetBSD
partition, as the same behavior exists when it is a MacOS file.  I am
wondering if it might be something like an update to zlib that was
picked up by the build platform(s), but that Booter doesn't understand
or something similar.  My understanding is that Booter needs to grok
both compression and the ELF structure to do what it needs to do, and
so that's where I'm going to put some time.

It might also be a fun diversion to see if I can get a native boot
from floppy working, but that's lower on my list.

It might be a few days/weeks but I'll report back what I find.


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