Subject: Re: Install problem in 2.0
To: Mark Benson <>
From: Terence Tan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/2005 19:35:08
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Mark Benson wrote:
> The problem I have is that I set the drive up and everything, formatted 
> the partitions as NetBSD (swap for the swap, Root for /, USR for /usr 
> and /home), and got all the partitions set up in the installer. However 
> when i come to get the distro I can't get it to download...

Hi there,

This is a known problem with sysinstall on NetBSD 2.0, it's been 
documented before at and and I 
think there's a PR filed on it too.

What basically happens is, sysinstall forgets to mount your hard disks. 
Then it can't find any place to download the archives to before 
installing them.

I advise installing as far as you can before getting the error, then 
just before you do: press ctrl-z to background the installer, mount all 
your filesystems under /targetroot (for example, "mount /dev/sd0c 
/targetroot" - but substitute your own drive names! Also be sure to 
mount your other drives in the right place. This is a summary, if you're 
not sure exactly what needs to be done, please ask on the list), then 
type "fg" to switch back to the installer. Then continue your install.

Also, it does not write "/etc/fstab", so you'll want to do this yourself 
after the install but prior to rebooting. If you're not sure what to put 
here, again, ask and we'll sort it out.

Good luck!

  -Terence Tan

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