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Re: ERLITE frozen in rc script after switching to GCC 5.4

On 11/07/16 11:48, Rin Okuyama wrote:

Thank you so much for your efforts to fix it. I tried kernel from today's
current. It seems to be getting much better than before. However, after
repeating reboot several times, kernel panic occurs due to TLB miss. I
attached ps and bt from DDB below.

There are two traps here I think
Starting sshd.
pid 240(sleep): trap: cpu0, TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x50200083, cause=0x8, epc=0xffffffff802342a4, vaddr=0x132
tf=0x980000041097bb70 ksp=0x980000041097bcb0 ra=0xffffffff80234280 ppl=0

Can you addr2line on 0xffffffff802342a4 and 0xffffffff80234280?

x/i 0xffffffff802342a4  and a dump of the trapframe would be helpful.

kernel: TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) trap
Stopped in pid 240.1 (sleep) at netbsd:trap+0x664:      lw a6,304(s7)
db> ps

Probably worth doing addr2line on this as well, but it looks like it it's here:


    213             n = snprintf(str, sz, "tf=%p ksp=%p ra=%#"
    214                 PRIxREGISTER " ppl=%#x\n", tf,
    215                 type == T_NMI
    216                 ? (void*)(uintptr_t)tf->tf_regs[_R_SP]
    217                 : tf+1,

which suggests that tf is 0.


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