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Re: 64-bit pi 3 grief

Still, have to ask, has anyone cross compiled 64-bit netbsd arm, using
64-bit netbsd arm with 1GB of ram?

If it's 64 bit NetBSD ARM compiling 64 bit NetBSD ARM, then it's not cross compiled.

I've natively run an aarch64 build on a Pi many times.

Now I hit two problems:
#1: the kernel doesn't wait for the sd0 to come online and instead
prompts for the root device (I hit this long ago on an odroid, and the
SSD was a workaround ...)

Add this to config.txt on your MS-DOS partition on the SD card:

# Waits a while so spinning rust disk has time to spin up

#2: the prompt displays "root device: ld0", I think it should have
displayed "root device: sd0a" since that is what was specified
Should "init" have waited longer for "sd0a" before prompting for the
root device (perhaps it waited for ld0?).  Since "sd0" does come
online while "init" is sitting at the "root device" prompt, should
"init" be able to detect this?
Any workarounds?  I"m building a custom kernel with "root on sd0" to
see if it helps.

NetBSD-current uses boot.cfg on the MS-DOS partition on the SD card, which would look like this:

menu=Boot normally:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;boot netbsd root=/dev/sd0a
menu=Boot single user:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;boot netbsd root=/dev/sd0a -s
menu=Drop to boot prompt:prompt

NetBSD-9, though, can have an alternate root by changing this line in cmdline.txt on the MS-DOS partition on the SD card like so:

root=sd0a console=fb

setup #3:
- Pi3 with latest 9 GENERIC64 kernel on SD card; cross compiled from linux
- root=sd0a console=fb
- wired ethernet
- usb keyboard (either from power-up, or plugged in after the "root
device" prompt)
- sd0a is a usb/*spinning-disk* (configured kernel boot param)
Kaboom.  Based on the HIDs and USBs in the backtrace, and page upon
page of what look like usb message dumps, I'm guessing its the kernel
trying to read the keyboard.

Can you send a picture of this?


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