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Re: Current build of netbsd for rpi is unable to boot

On 12 April 2014 17:38, Nick Hudson <skrll%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:
> The diagnostic check fired - something the code wasn't expecting happened.

Speaking of things that shouldn't happen, a "ps aux" gives me

root       0  0.0 -129.4     0 3600688 ?      DKl  12:08PM 12:43.76 [system]
root       1  0.0   0.3  3856    1432 ?      Is   12:08PM  0:00.06 init
root     410  0.0   0.7  8712    3176 ?      Is   12:31PM  0:00.04
root     431  0.0   0.6 11672    2528 ?      Is   12:31PM  0:00.94
sshd: source [priv]
root     589  0.0   0.3  3696    1528 ?      Is   12:09PM  0:00.01
/sbin/dhcpcd -q
root     675  0.0   0.5  6232    2120 ?      Ss   12:09PM  0:00.53
/usr/sbin/syslogd -s
root     883  0.0   0.3  3784    1352 ?      Is   12:31PM  0:00.09 /sbin/devpubd
postfix  930  0.0   0.2  8792    1136 ?      S     8:51PM  0:00.12
pickup -l -t unix -u
root    1180  0.0   0.3  3808    1592 ?      Is   12:31PM  0:00.43
postfix 1650  0.0   0.2  8792    1072 ?      I    12:31PM  0:00.33
qmgr -l -t unix -u
root    1745  0.0   0.3  3936    1272 ?      Is   12:31PM  0:00.01
/usr/sbin/inetd -l
root    1765  0.0   0.6  8792    2584 ?      Ss   12:31PM  0:00.80
/usr/libexec/postfix/master -w
source  1883  0.0   0.9 11672    3952 ?      S    12:31PM  0:18.38
sshd: source@pts/0 (sshd)
source   711  0.0   0.3  3944    1200 pts/0  O+    9:07PM  0:00.02 ps -aux
source  2068  0.0  -0.3  3936 4193008 pts/0  Ss   12:31PM  0:00.12 -sh
root    1782  0.0   0.1  3872     568 plcom0 Is+  12:31PM  0:00.03
/usr/libexec/getty default console

The memory use of the system task and PID 2068 look a bit ... off.

Joachim Thiemann :: http://jthiem.bitbucket.org ::

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