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Re: IDE device timeout when writing

Hi Carlos,

smartmontools has binary packages. I'd suggest running a smart test
with that, to rule out actual HDD failure.


On Wed, 13 Oct 2021 at 14:26, Carlos Milán Figueredo
<cmilanf%hispamsx.org@localhost> wrote:
> Well, I tried minirootfs from NetBSD 2.1, but after loading the kernel I get a init died and the db prompt.
> I went then to minirootfs from NetBSD 7.2. I do not understand the install procedure, but after booting the kernel it found my install in wdc0 and it began booting my installed userland.
> It looks like in the very same boot process it had to perform writes and got the same errors as with other kernels. So even going back there I experience the same.
> I am going back to AmigaOS and prepare some serious stress testing on the hard disk so I can rule out there is a hardware problem and report back.
> Thanks for the support!
> Carlos
> From: David Brownlee <abs%netbsd.org@localhost>
> Sent: martes, 12 de octubre de 2021 22:15
> > If it is easy to test (and only if it's easy) it might be nice to
> > confirm if you can trigger this under earlier versions of NetBSD.
> > Maybe booing an appropriate miniroot and gzipping/gunzipping.
> That would be fairly easy as I understand I can xstreamtodev the
> miniroot to the swap partition and boot from her. However, won't that
> trigger the install? Is there any way to escape to a shell without
> following the install script?

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