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Re: Well I got it working - without "vi" *g*

>       pkg_add whatever.tar.gz
>       If will automatically handle dependencies (so kde will pull in
>       kdeutils etc).
>       If you can think additional places to document this, let us know!

Its documented quite good. No offence meant. It was 2 o clock in the
night. I just didn't look it up.

Maybe a hint in the INSTALL-Manual to try "apropos pkg" and one or two
sentences about the package system, so that a user having installed NetBSD
gets to know how to install other stuff quite easily.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald  - http://helios.home.pages.de
PGP: http://home.pages.de/~helios/autor/wie-erreichen.html
ICQ: #34355756

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