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Re: Netbooting a machine w/ a disk

On Sat, 28 Feb 2009, Dustin Marquess wrote:

Awesome.  Out of shear luck I did just that last night and started the
kernel compile before I went to bed.  Thanks for the confirmation :).

If I want to use RAIDframe in a RAID-1 setup, do I change the root
setting from sd0 to raid0?

        If you set the raid to autoconfigure as a root filesystem
        (raidctl raid0 -A root) then a kernel will automatically
        use it as the root filesystem, at least for a standard
        kernel without a hardcoded root device. I've not tried it
        with a kernel which had hardcoded the root device - let us
        know what happens :)

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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