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Re: Netbooting a machine w/ a disk

I got the system installed to the local hard drive.  Now I just don't
know how to boot it.  Using the kerninst netbsd.gz reloads the
installer (of course).  gzip'ing the netbsd from the kern-GERNERIC
package boots, but then asks where init it.  I'm assuming because it
doesn't know what the root filesystem is.  Where do I go from here? :)


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Dustin Marquess 
<dmarquess%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> I read the diskless HOWTO hoping to be able to adpot it, but alas, my
> NetBSD knowledge isn't high enough yet :).
> Currently I have 2 Alpha machines running Linux that I'd like to move
> to NetBSD.  The only catch is their QLogic SCSI controllers have been
> replaced with more modern RAID controllers that SRM can't detect.
> Currently they BOOTP/TFTP a Linux kernel which knows about the
> controllers, and then boot normally.
> Is this similar process available w/ NetBSD?  I'd assume it'd be like
> the diskless setup, but w/o the NFS portion...
> Thanks!
> -Dustin

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