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Re: Multiple Rust build failures on 8.x and 9.x

> NetBSD 8 i386:
> running: /comp/obj/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rust-bootstrap/bin/cargo
> build --manifest-path
> /comp/obj/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rustc-1.41.0-src/src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml
> --frozen
> Shared object "" not found
> NetBSD 8 has in /usr/lib and in
> /usr/pkg/lib.

Hm, yes, I made the mistake of building the bootstrap on NetBSD
9.0_RC1.  I'll see if I can update the bootstrap to one built on

> NetBSD 8 amd64:
> error: linking with `cc` failed: exit code: 1
>   = note: ld: cannot find -lLLVM-9
> There is an but if I'm reading that command line right its
> specified static linking with -Bstatic and there is no libLLVM-9.a
> provided by the llvm package.

As has been mentioned later here, this appears to be an instance of

and a workaround could be to add

# XXX: fix for Rust 1.41.0

as Adam wrote just now.

> NetBSD 9 i386 fails with:
> /comp/obj/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rustc-1.41.0-src/build/i686-unknown-netbsd/stage1-rustc/release/deps/
> text relocations
> error:
> /comp/obj/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rustc-1.41.0-src/build/i686-unknown-netbsd/stage1-rustc/release/deps/
> Cannot write-enable text segment: Permission denied

This is apparenty also seen by others, and reported in

which is now closed.  There's apparently some hope it'll be
included in rust 1.42.  I don't know how to pull the fix from
what's referred to from that issue, though, as it appears just to
refer to other git repositories, and I don't think there's a
"fetch code from other git repos" stage in the rust build we


- Håvard

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