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Re: What happened to make show-depends-options ?

from Roland Illig:

> Please tell us exactly what you did. Which commands, in which directory,
> and what was the output. We cannot guess what you mean by "doesn't work".
> To further investigate this situation, you can run "make -dA
> show-depends-options 2>err". This will write a very detailed log.
> In that log, search for "show-depends-options". There should be some
> lines like these:
> line 8: Global:.TARGETS = show-depends-options

> around line 200000: ParseReadLine (216): '.PHONY: show-depends-options'  
> directly above that line: ParseSetParseFile: ${.PARSEDIR} =
> `../../mk/misc' ${.PARSEFILE} = `'

> These are the first signs that everything works as expected.

I tried in print/hplip, and got a log file of 

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  41774478 May  9 23:16 show-depends-options.err

Last 16 lines were

*** Failed target:  show-depends-options
*** Failed command: set -e; /usr/bin/env ECHO=echo MAKE=/usr/bin/make MAKEFLAGS=_MAKE=/usr/bin/make\ OPSYS=NetBSD\ OS_VERSION=8.99.37\ LOWER_OPSYS=netbsd\ _PKGSRCDIR=/BETA1/pkgsrc\ PKGTOOLS_VERSION=20180425\\\\ inet6\\\ perl\\\ ssl\ PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.cups-base=\\\ dbus\\\ dnssd\\\ kerberos\\\ libusb\ PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.heimdal=\\\ inet6\ PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript=\\\ ghostscript-gpl\ PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript-gpl=\\\ cups\\\ fontconfig\\\ utf8\\\ x11\ PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.freetype2=\\\ png\ _CC=/usr/bin/gcc\ _PATH_ORIG=/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin PKGSRCDIR=/BETA1/pkgsrc TEST=test /usr/bin/awk -f /BETA1/pkgsrc/print/hplip/../../mk/scripts/depends-depth-first.awk -- /usr/packages/All | while read dir; do echo "===> Options for ${dir}" && cd /BETA1/pkgsrc/print/hplip/../../$dir && /usr/bin/env MAKECONF=/etc/mk.conf PATH=/BETA1/pkgsrc//usr/packages/All/work899.amd64/.cwrapper/bin:/BETA1/pkgsrc//usr/packages/All/work899.amd64/.b
 uildlink/bin:/BETA1/pkgsrc//usr/packages/All/work899.amd64/.gcc/bin:/BETA1/pkgsrc//usr/packages/All/work899.amd64/.tools/bin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin /usr/bin/make _MAKE=/usr/bin/make OPSYS=NetBSD OS_VERSION=8.99.37 LOWER_OPSYS=netbsd _PKGSRCDIR=/BETA1/pkgsrc PKGTOOLS_VERSION=20180425\ inet6\ perl\ ssl PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.cups-base=\ dbus\ dnssd\ kerberos\ libusb PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.heimdal=\ inet6 PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript=\ ghostscript-gpl PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript-gpl=\ cups\ fontconfig\ utf8\ x11 PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.freetype2=\ png _CC=/usr/bin/gcc _PATH_ORIG=/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin show-options; done
*** Error code 2

make: stopped in /BETA1/pkgsrc/print/hplip
Global:.ERROR_TARGET = show-depends-options
Global:delete .ERROR_CMD (not found)
Applying[MAKE_PRINT_VAR_ON_ERROR] :@ to ""
Modifier pattern: "v"
Modifier pattern: "$v='${$v}'
Global:delete v (not found)
Result[MAKE_PRINT_VAR_ON_ERROR] of :@ is ""

I intend to delete this file shortly.

I can't see what is wrong, except that my packages are in a hopeless tangle that I can't extricate, resulting from pkg_chk -u -s (to the best of my memory).

NetBSD wiki page on how to update packages is 6 years 2 months old as it says near the bottom of that page: teaches me not to depend on such outdated information.

Even after running pkg_delete -f on packages that show as "moved or obsolete" when I run pkg_rolling-replace, the same packages show again on the next run of pkg_rolling-replace.

I am presently in that hosed installation, icewm and uxterm still work, and one web browser still works (dillo 3.0.5), also the nongraphic elinks.


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