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Does anybody use mkvtoolnix (multimedia/mkvtoolnix) ? I've installed it
from the current branch and had no success splitting a mkv file:

$ mkvmerge --split size:3900m sample.mkv -o bla.mkv
mkvmerge v4.3.0 ('Escape from the Island') built on Oct 31 2010 18:27:11
'bla.mkv': Using the Matroska demultiplexer.
'bla.mkv' track 1: Using the MPEG-4 part 10 (AVC) video output module.
'bla.mkv' track 2: Using the AC3 output module.
'bla.mkv' track 3: Using the AC3 output module.
'bla.mkv' track 4: Using the text subtitle output module.
The file 'bla-001.mkv' has been opened for writing.

And then it does *nothing*. Any ideas?



Victor Dorneanu

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