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Re: scrollkeeper build failed (Was: pkgsrc NetBSD 2.0/i386 bulk build results)2005-03-25

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:

On Sun, 2005-03-27 at 22:40 +0100, David Brownlee wrote:

        I ran pkg_delete docbook\* then started a rebuild but it still
        fails. Can you build textproc/scrollkeeper without problem on
        the latest pkgsrc there?
Sorry, I hadn't tested here yet.  Now I did and it failed.

This is now fixed.  You'll have to update your docbook-xml package (make
replace will work just fine, in case you want to avoid rebuilding other
things) and build scrollkeeper again.
        Great - thanks. cvs updating now...
                David/absolute       -- No hype required --

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