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Re: install to a remote machine with sshfs

I am not at all sure about sshfs, but have installed NetBSD on the BBB many times.

I always do it by cross-building a release and either using dd directly onto the uSD card or copying the tarballs over the network.

It sounds like you are installing -current on top of a running system.  Are you trying to replace the whole thing or just parts of it?  If the former, I suggest just copying a bootable image file created by the release build or downloaded from <> onto the uSD card.


Hi Brook,

Yes, correct, what i want to do is to upgrade a running system.

Possibly i prefer to avoid pulling out the microSD, as far as possible.

I was successful cross-bulding and copying the sets, still there are a minor nuances : overwriting/loss of config files and it take a notable amount of time to `tar -xvzf` all the sets
into the BBB (~10-20 min).

My only previous (successful) experience with ` install=` was that is was quite fast and also it has a post-hoc mechanism to take care of config files .
I will give another shot to ` install=` to a remote system as 
soon as i can.
With the time available I could not find the place running that "pax" 
command so actually i still don't understand
why it fails. I run ` -N 4` but it was not helpful for this case.


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