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Re: emacs icomplete-vertical for manpages chdir(2) fails

Martin Neitzel <> writes:

> Sorry for knowing nothing about the current emacs pre-requisites.
> (I was an avid emacs user until around 2004, before returning to
> plain vi.)

Thanks Martin.

I keep my laptop always on, on the desk.  The defaults for timing
periodic events can stay as they are.  The way NetBSD does 

  "man -k output" 

is different enough to cause hiccups on Emacs autocompletes.  This is
being looked at by the emacs-devs.

Thanks for the details on how the jobs are scheduled.

(I effectively stopped computing since the GFC but had a set of 700MB
files, each being one line long and couldn't open them, I reached for an
alternative to Emacs which was Atom at the time, 2016, but that wouldn't
open them, Emacs with the vlf package did. I use mg and fallback to vi
where emacs is unavailable.  Straying further off-topic, I find when the
powerplug goes in and out on the laptop, the screen switches to maximum
brightness, Fn + brightness up/down, will adjust the brightness to one
step from where it had forgotten the brightness setting was at, having
the brightness state kept unchanged when the powerplug goes in/out will
improve laptop UX)


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