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Re: KiCad: "Could not use OpenGL, falling back to software rendering"

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 03:49:36PM -0500, Ted Spradley wrote:
> I'm trying to start using KiCad 8.0.2 from the packages, but when I try
> to open a schematic I started with KiCad 7 up pops a modal dialog box
> with the message in the title above. That line is followed by "Could
> not create the main OpenGL context" and an OK button. Clicking on the
> OK button, or the X in the northeast corner of the dialog box, or the
> one in the corner of the main KiCad window all do nothing, but "pkill
> kicad" works.
> set$ uname -a
> NetBSD set 10.0_STABLE NetBSD 10.0_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Wed Jul  3
> 19:16:46 UTC 2024
> amd64 set$ 
> For X11 I just add "xdm=YES xfs=YES" to rc.conf and use ctwm "right out
> of the box". The machine is an old ThinkPad T440s with an Intel i915
> that I've been using like this for years.
> Is there a step I've missed in my configuration or is this something
> that will need to be fixed upstream?

Hi, there are several common errors that could lead to libGL not

First, check the permissions on /dev/dri. RW by your user should
be possible.

Try running the application with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose in the environment.
This will show some spurious warnings about .drirc (that's a red

Check the output of "glxinfo". "vendor string" should contain Intel.

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