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Re: MBR -> GPT migration questions

Martin Husemann <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 08:58:39AM -0700, beaker wrote:
> > Some questions:
> > 1) is MBR -> GPT migration as simple as running '$ gpt migrate /dev/rwd0'
> >    or is something else involved ?
> If you do not want to boot from the disk: yes.
> If you want it bootable it may be necessary to install new boot code
> (gpt biosboot....).
> You did not show disklabel output, but you said no swap. Otherwise you
> will have to manually adjust for the disklabel contents (which get
> lost in the migration).
> > 2) is there any benefit to doing this migration ?
> No, unless you want to share the disk with other operating systems and
> create additional "foreign" partitions on it.
> > 3) does my disc look like it meets the before & aft partitions space
> >    requirements (see below) ?
> Yes. The critical parts (with gpt defaults, can be fine tuned manually)
> are 34 free sectors before the first partition and 33 sectors at the end
> of the disk. Both are available on your disk.

After posting I realized I could just try this out in a VM; the following
appeared to work fine on a small VM MBR disc with one FFS partition and some
extra space fore and aft:

$ gpt migrate -A wd0

It did throw an error message but still did the migration.  Afterwards I
editted /etc/fstab like so:

$ sed -i 's/wd0a/dk0/' /etc/fstab

Thanks for all the feedback.


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