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Re: ure0: Questionable Performance

Thank you for the reply!

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 7:54 AM, Robert Swindells wrote:
> wrote:
>> May I have some help troubleshooting poor network performance?  I have
>> an older laptop (Thinkpad 13) with a USB-C Ethernet dongle that attaches
>> as ure0 as it has no builtin Ethernet port.  I'm running NetBSD 10.0
>> STABLE built locally from a couple of days ago.
>> $ ifconfig ure0
>> ure0: flags=0x8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>>         capabilities=0x3ff00<IP4CSUM_Rx,IP4CSUM_Tx,TCP4CSUM_Rx,TCP4CSUM_Tx>
>>         capabilities=0x3ff00<UDP4CSUM_Rx,UDP4CSUM_Tx,TCP6CSUM_Rx,TCP6CSUM_Tx>
>>         capabilities=0x3ff00<UDP6CSUM_Rx,UDP6CSUM_Tx>
>>         enabled=0
> You could enable HW checksumming.

This did not appear to make a difference.

> I don't think there is anything wrong with the USB or TCP/IP stacks.

I agree.  I am wondering if there are configurations I've missed!  Are the sysctl knobs on this wiki still relevant: ?

> What is at the other end of your cable?
> One cause of really slow network performance can be a mismatch in full/half
> duplex negotiation between the two devices.

At the other end I'm running OpenWrt on a Linksys WRT3200ACM.  When connected, both sides show up as !000 Full Duplex.

I'll look around for an adapter using axen(4) - they seem relatively inexpensive.



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