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Re: dhcpcd and IPv6 prefix delegation?

On Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 10:21:19AM +0200, Lars-Johan Liman wrote:
> Hi!
> _Finally_ my ISP has started to provide IPv6 support, and hands out
> delegation prefixes in what seems to be a proper fashion. My router is a
> PCengine with 3 ethernet interfaces running NetBSD 10.0-REL.
> Interface wm0 connects to the ISP.
> Interfaces wm1 is an internal "house network".
> I use dhcpcd to obtain IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from the ISP. This works
> fine. I also try to obtain an IPv6 prefix delegation. This also seems to
> work fine.
> What _doesn't_ work fine, is actually delegating (parts of) the obtained
> prefix to an internal interface. I get the following error in syslog:
> dhcpcd[5044]: wm0: cannot delegate to vm1: Device not configured

Is it a typo or is it verbatim? Because the interface is wm1 not vm1...

See below in your dhcpcd.conf: same typo : v instead of w.

Note: I only judge from the outside. It's only scanning the text, not
parsing it...

> But the device _is_ configured. I use "static ip_address=" in
> dhcpcd.conf and the log says dhcpcd happily assigns the address to wm1,
> so it _is_ $configured, for some value thereof, but obviously not the
> correct value.
> I've tried to follow
> and one thing I've noted is that on NetBSD 10.0 ...
> # sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
> sysctl: fourth level name 'accept_rtadv' in 'net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv' is invalid
> but then again, I _do_ get an IPv6 address for the external interface
> (with dhcpcd running), so I believe that that it not part of the
> problem. And I also do get a prefix (/56) from the ISP for delegation.
> It's just that dhcpcd doesn't want to play ball and hand it to wm1,
> probably because of my ineptitude.
> All hints will be warmly appreciated.
> 				Cheers,
> 				  /Liman
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # dhcpcd.conf
> duid ll
> persistent
> vendorclassid
> option classless_static_routes
> option interface_mtu
> option host_name
> require dhcp_server_identifier
> slaac hwaddr
> noipv6rs
> allowinterfaces wm0 wm1
> # This interface is off-line
> denyinterfaces wm2
> # Have wm1 before wm0 to make sure it's defined
> interface wm1
>   iaid 1
>   noipv6rs
>   static ip_address=
> interface wm0
>   ipv6rs
>   iaid 0
>   ia_na 0
>   ia_pd 1 vm1/0/64

> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Log messages
> # /sbin/dhcpcd -d
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[14842]: dhcpcd-9.4.1 starting
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: DUID 00:01:00:01:23:c1:fd:63:00:0d:b9:4c:b1:04
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: IAID 00:00:00:00
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: IA type 25 IAID 00:00:00:01
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: rebinding prior DHCPv6 lease
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: cannot delegate to vm1: Device not configured
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm1: IAID 00:00:00:01
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm1: using static address
> Jul  6 09:59:29 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm1: adding route to
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: soliciting an IPv6 router
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: Router Advertisement from fe80::e641:64ff:feea:2e3f
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: adding default route via fe80::e641:64ff:feea:2e3f
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: REPLY6 received from fe80::e641:64ff:feea:2e3f
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: adding address 2001:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx:xxxx/128
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: renew in 1000, rebind in 1100, expire in 1200 seconds
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: lo0: adding reject route to 2001:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz::/56 via ::1
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: delegated prefix 2001:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz::/56
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: rebinding lease of 78.xx.yy.zz
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: leased 78.xx.yy.zz for 1200 seconds
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: adding route to 78.xx.yy.0/24
> Jul  6 09:59:30 router dhcpcd[7305]: wm0: adding default route via 78.xx.yy.1
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc.		 ! E-mail:
> # Cafax AB				 ! HTTP  : //
> # Computer Consultants, Sweden		 ! Voice : +46 8 - 564 702 30
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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