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Re: where does pkg_admin come from?


Justin Parrott wrote:
why did you ultimately decide for the upgrade?

well these systems are at the end mainly "test" computers, where software can be run and I can enjoy the marvels of SPARC. Since I develop GNUstep on it, I wanted a bump to a more recent version of NetBSD.

Actually, 9.x is proving quite stable on SS10 with SuperSparcs which is a good thing. The SS20 with HyperSparcs wasn't stable with 9.3 and is unusable with 10.0. So the issue "luckily" wasn't the OS version, but the CPU.

I'm working in compiling more and more packages and upgrade is going on, although now that heat is coming, I refrain from days of compilation, so go on slower pace.


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