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Re: Is NetBSD more secure than linux?

Good so i can now switch my gateway server netbsd!
thank you

On Wed, 26 Jun 2024, Justin Parrott wrote:

the linux community's approach to security feels more
n00b.  netbsd seems to come more from a foundation of
correct -- a system done Right..

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 9:01 AM xuser
<> wrote:
      Thank you.

      On Mon, 24 Jun 2024, Van Ly wrote:

      > xuser writes:
      >> Is NetBSD more secure than linux?
      > L4/Linux is more secure than Linux alone.
      > Search on the terms, L4 Linux NetBSD.
      > I found,
      > There is this concept in the security
      space, "zero trust" but that could be sales
      and marketing.
      > --
      > vl

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