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RE: EXT MAIL : log rotation with syslogng on netbsd 10

On Tue, 11 Jun 2024, Derrick Lobo wrote:

Anyone knows what could be wrong here.. is there a new logrotate for netbsd 10 which does not work with syslogng

Installed syslog-ng just now and newsyslog rotated the logs just fine.

I had only to make 2 fairly obvious changes:

1. In /etc/rc.d/syslogng, change the default pidfile name:

# pidfile="/var/run/${ngname}.pid"
   (I was too lazy to fix-up /etc/newsyslog.conf for syslog-ng...)

2. Add a `@version: 3.38' directive at the start of the syslog2ng-generated
   /usr/pkg/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file:

$ head /usr/pkg/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
@version: 3.38

options { dir_perm(0755); perm(0644); chain_hostnames(no);
          keep_hostname(yes); };

source local {
        udp(ip( port(514));


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