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Fontconfig and variable fonts

I was looking again at how to use variable fonts in, say, GVim, thus
fontconfig. A variable font is a font that has one or more parameters
that change how it looks. An example is Recursive: see .

I looked at the distfile of fontconfig and to my surprise I found an
entry from 2017: "This is the last piece of the puzzle for variable-font
support in fontconfig."

But is it actually documented anywhere how this can be used? I have
searched for years (literally) and never found even a hint. Nothing at
certainly doesn't mention it.

Did anyone manage to find out, perhaps by accident or so?

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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