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Re: Bluetooth wheel mouse and X11

On Thu, 23 May 2024, wrote:

I confirmed the output is the same with /dev/wsmouse -- no wsmoused or X.

Here is output for 1) some scrolling, 2) left then right button click, and
3) a bunch of moving the mouse around:

So, the mouse actually _is_ generating scroll events when one moves the mouse.
Might need some quirk handling (see btms_fixup_elecom() in dev/bluetooth/btms.c).

Let's see what Linux does for this. Can you tell me what the vendor and product
IDs of the mouse are?

For reference, here's what my Logitech G304 connected via its USB dongle (NetBSD
doesn't recognize my Bluetooth controller yet) reports for the same actions:

  scroll: -1 (up)
  scroll: -1 (up)
  scroll: -1 (up)
  scroll: 1 (down)
  scroll: 1 (down)
  scroll: 1 (down)
   press: 0
 release: 0
   press: 2
 release: 2
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: -1 (down)
    move: 1 (up)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)
    move: -1 (left)


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