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Re: getconf LONG_BIT in NetBSD

On Mon 20 May 2024 at 22:20:30 +0200, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
> AC_PREREQ(2.50)
> AC_INIT(xmain.c)
> AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile])
> AC_CONFIG_FILES([ft245.c])
> BITS=`(getconf LONG_BIT)`  <<<<------------Here

I have also seen some programs that just want to know the "bitness" so
that they can call the library they produced "libfoo32" or "libfoo64".
That seems to be out of some sort of habit for MSWindows or even Linux
programs. But for NetBSD this is almost never relevant since pretty much
all programs you build and run are for the "natural" size. In my case, I
had to teach the packages to just create and use "libfoo" without

If this is the case for this package, you could try and do the same.

If the packge wants to know the bitness so that it can use the right
types for typedefs or something like that, then you could change it to
use int32_t and int64_t unconditionally.

In both cases I would call this bugs and would report upstream. Even if
you only determine that one of these scenarios is what's happening, and
you don't manage to fix it.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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