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Re: Failing to build a bootable custom kernel

On Sun, Apr 07, 2024 at 19:28:24 -0400, Jared Barnak wrote:

> export DESTDIR=/home/jared/Projects/netbsd/obj/destdir
> ./ -u -O ../obj -U - -E m amd64 -N3 -j24
> install=/home/jared/Projects/netbsd/obj/destdir
> ```
> which then yields the following error
> ```
> [ same error repeated ]
> pax: Unable to copy
> /home/jared/Projects/netbsd/obj/destdir/./usr/share/tmac/mm/se_ms.cov,
> file would overwrite itself

You are asking to install files from destdir into destdir
which pax duly reports.

> I'm trying to build a custom kernel so that I am able to debug it over real
> and virtualized systems (i.e., use kdb on real hardware and gdb in qemu).

If you only need a custom kernel, why do you ask to install

ISTR has an option to build just the kernel.  kernel.gdb=CONF
according to the usage.  (I usually just do nbconfig plus
nbmake-$machine by hand, b/c that's what will eventually do
anyway and I personally find it easier and clearer to cut out the
extra scripting layer).


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