Use the system upgrade script in pkgsrc.
>> In order to test NetBSD-10.0, I copied the latest kernel to the root
>> directory of a [partially] working NetBSD-9.3 system. Absolutely
>> fantastic: super fast boot-up, AND the '/sbin/shutdown -p' glitch with
>> the 9.x series is fixed! THANK YOU developers for your hard work.
>> Now, is there a way to update all the binary sets other than using the
>> install image sysinst? Or can you remind me how to get the install
>> disk to complete its boot? I REALLY want to get NetBSD 10 on this
>> machine.
>> T(a million)IA
The way I usually do upgrades is following this manual route,
which presumes you have already upgraded the kernel, and you are
already running the new kernel, and you have sufficient disk
space to extract the new code:
- make a new "repository directory" to temporarily store the
install sets
- fetch all the install sets you want to install into this
- Do not install the etc.tar.xz set directly, as that will reset
your configuration files (/etc/rc.conf, for instance)
cd /
for s in <names of the sets>; do
progress -f /repository-directory/$s.tar.xz tar xfzpB -
- run "etcupdate -s /repository-directory/etc.tar.xz", and
follow the instructions, including running the postinstall
script as directed, and add any new required users and
For good measure, reboot, so that all daemons start using the new
- Håvard