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Re: NetBSD and ECC RAM? (Michael Cheponis) writes:

>I've been running ECC in the Windows box for years, it seems like a 'no
>brainer' for servers. Servers usually run for years, and Stuff Happens over
>the years [1].
>But I'd prefer a reliable, unhackable, trustable compute fabric.  ECC is
>part of the 'reliable' part.

I agree, but the "box" will run with ECC, even when the OS doesn't
know about it. OS support is needed to get information about errors
and for better fault tolerance.

>I would also like to see per /dev entry ACLs.  I would like to see better
>security than owner-group-everbody permissions.

I have rarely seen ACLs being used for "better security". Even when that
was possible, the complexity usually outweighed any gain in control.

Systems that implied access control through simple rules worked much
better. It's still not a feature that you had to enable or a switch
you toggled, it requires constant effort, in particular on systems
that don't just perform a fixed set of functions.

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