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Re: holding back pkgs from pkgin

pin <> wrote:

> Apparently nobody has answered your question in the mailing-list.
> > Is there a way to hold back packages from pkgin similar to 'apt-mark <pkg>' ?
> The short answer is no, there isn't.
> > The pkg in question is ../wm/dwm  which I customize in pkgscr and install.
> > pkgin sees it's installed and always over-writes my custom built binary
> For simple things like this, there's a way to fool pkgin that I've been using for years.
> But, first one warning. Do not change the contents of pkgsrc/wm/dwm directly.
> Use wip to do this things.
> Copy wm/dwm to wip, do your customization and bump the version (currently 6.4) to a higher number.
> Build and install the package.
> Now next time you upgrade pkgin will see that the installed version of dwm is
> than the available in the binary repository and won't touch it.
> Hope this solves your issue.

Sorry for late reply..  Ya this is an intersting approach.  I ended
up just building dwm under /usr/local since it's not too complicated
to do.

FYI: For anyone considering building dwm under /usr/local/..
In addition to correcting the X11LIB, X11INC, and FREETYPEINC paths
one needs to do at least ONE of the following for the Xlib linking:

# option 1: tweak ../dwm-4.6/
LIBS += -Wl,-rpath=${X11LIB}

# option 2: set LD_LIBRARY_RUN
$ export LD_LIBRARY_RUN=/usr/X11R7/lib

# option 3: create /etc/
$ sudo ldconfig

Probably many already know this. I was scratching my head for a bit
until I found the reason for the lack of linking, probably because
many projects use autoconfig to probe system and set things.

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