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Re: HUION tablet

I'm trying to use a HUION H430P graphics tablet on netbsd. It's
recognized by ums(4) but I've to use wsmuxctl(8) to remove it from
wsmux0 so the mouse don't get useless when X see both as tablets.
The problem is that ums is not reading the pressure of the tablet.
I haven't taken a look at the driver, but this is a tricky device.
The chip is a uclogic, it doesn't offer a compliant hid report,
the driver has to read some strings depending of the version of
the chip to set the device mode (mobile, desktop) and get the
correct parameters.

Is anyone using these kind of tablets (huion, yiynova, turcom, etc)?


I've been looking at how hidev -> ums-> wsmouse -> X11 work and
I'm aware now of the situation.

The ideal solution to me would be to add support to digitizers to
ums and wsmouse so the stylus buttons, pressure &c could flow to
the X server.

I added code to usbdev to asign a report descriptor matching my
model making it easy to support different models in the future and
the uhid device reports a functional report descriptor (I'll add
the tablet's buttons later):

$ usbhidctl -f 3 -l -a

The usages are now Digitizer and 0x01 (external pen), ums only
match Digitizer and 0x02 (integrated pen) so the uhid device is
now free.

I compiled the usbtablet driver from openbsd's Xenocara but
the base xorg is ignoring the input sections of configuration files:

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier "Hion Tablet"
	Driver "usbtablet"
	Option "Device" "/dev/uhid3"
	Option "Type" "stylus"
	Option "Mode" "Absolute"

It doesn't give me errors, it just ignores it, which is frustrating.
I tryed disabling AutoAddDevices, it doesn't matter. Has someone
experimented something similar?

I really don't want to make another installation without X, to
install pkgsrc xorg, which I think if you ask me, shouldn't exist,
and then having to recompile all the packages using X. But there is
a port of usbtablet in wip depending on it...

Is somebody using it right now? Has somebody tryed it with the base


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