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Re: Mystical issue with NetBSD and opening Russian Bank site

On October 22, I informed the technical support of the bank, they

 said that they would transfer it to specialized specialists, but they no longer contacted me.
02.11.2022 13:43, Martin Husemann пишет:
On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 07:53:21AM +0500, Dmitrii Postolov wrote:
On NetBSD 9.3_STABLE and FF-ESR (102.1.0, latest version from binary
repository while trying to open this site,
endlessly spinning progress and the site does not open.
Sounds like a bug on the website (probably because it does not know your
user agent string and assumes some random mobile device).

I would open developer tools in firefox (F12), switch to the "Console"
Tab and reload the page.

There probably will be errors shown there. Report them to the webmaster
of the page.


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