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Re: vi -r crash, netbsd-9 amd64

    Date:        Wed, 12 Oct 2022 22:57:00 +1100
    From:        Paul Ripke <>
    Message-ID:  <Y0arjLwawGcfkohI@slave.private>

  | "vi -r", etc, and it seemed to work fine. The recovery file that causes the
  | crash was left behind after a kernel panic.

The recovery file will be corrupted.   I have seen that kind of thing
from time to time - vi -r really shouldn't crash when it attempts to
recover the mangled file, but it really doesn't matter, nothing is likely
to ever recover it, vi core dumping is just its weird way of telling you

The bigger issue is that we have an issue with file system flushing, on
panic, everything is normally supposed to be written, but that can't be
guaranteed ... a bigger issue is that we aren't flushing file data
almost ever.   A while ago, I had a power failure (no chance for the
kernel to flush anything before the system died - so no surprise there
were corrupted files).   What was a surprise was that files that had
last been touched 12 hours previously hadn't been updated.   That's not
really acceptable.


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