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Re: [SUCCESS partial] Disabling framebuffer at boot time

Le Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 10:16:28PM +0000, RVP a écrit :
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2022, wrote:
> > Booting without framebuffer and without multiprocessor, it works and
> > I have the dmesg from NetBSD (it can be downloaded here):
> > 
> >
> > 
> Good show. So the problem was with the i915drmkms driver (as you suspected).
> > From your dmesg output:
> ```
> [     1.000000] WARNING: module error: built-in module sequencer can't find builtin dependency `midi'
> [     1.000000] WARNING: module error: built-in module sequencer prerequisite midi failed, error 2
> ```
> Looks like you should disable `pseudo-device  sequencer` also.
> And possibly, `hdaudio*`-stuff if you don't intend to use it.
> ```
> [     1.026366] hdaudio0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0: HD Audio Controller
> [     1.026366] hdaudio0: interrupting at msi1 vec 0
> [     1.026366] hdafg0 at hdaudio0: vendor 10ec product 0892
> ```

Yes. The kernel was really built in order to have only the bare
essentials needed and have commented out about anything else (but none
of the pseudo-device).

> > If someone thinks there can be interest in how I set dual booting,
> > chainloading NetBSD from GRUB2, and configuring the boot procedure, I
> > can write a mini-page about it.
> > 
> Why not: It's not everyday that one sees examples of troubleshooting-by-
> rebooting.

OK, I will write a page (if only for future reference for myself: it has
been almost 20 years since I had to use a Linux system and to configure

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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