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Re: updating direct from 5 to 9?

Thanks to all who took the time to comment and especially to experiment!
I realized that replication was not actually that hard.

Martin Husemann <> writes:

> So I fooled myself - here is what happened:
>  - the disk I started with (cloned this VM instance from) had a GPT
>  - the 4.0 installation know nothing about GPT and just did its think,
>    replacing the PMBR of the GPT with a real new MBR and adding a disklabel
>  - now the 4.0 kernel does not know about the GPT and everthying worked,
>    but the 9.3 kernel understood the GPT and created the (no longer valid)
>    wedges for it
> *boom*

ah, that's interesting.  This system is MBR only, with UFS1 in RAID1:

  file system: /dev/rraid0a
  endian  little-endian
  magic   11954 (UFS1)    time    Mon Aug 22 14:05:01 2022

Also I should have said that it is i386, not amd64.  It's from 2006.

> So I cleard the disk and repeated the procedure. After installing 4.0 and
> adding the 9.3 kernel I could boot that kernel to multiuser. So no problem
> with the file system or anything.

And did "ifconfig" work, and your configured ifconfig.foo0, so that it
was ssh reachable, without touching the console?

> I then booted the 9.3 ISO and did an upgrade of the disk with the installer
> and that also resulted in a perfectly working 9.3 installation (though
> it still has the FFSv1 filesystem - suboptimal, but not a killer).

Thanks for trying this.

What I've done since writing:

  drag out hardware that is the same as the remote system; literally a
  box ordered at the same time as a pair from the same screwdriver shop,
  and put in 2 drives that are bigger but are similar

  via dd/gzip/scp and then sss/gunzip/dd, image the remote system's disks
  to my clone's disks

  adjust the clone to be on my network, vs where the remote system is

  fixed a raid hiccup that I probably caused, plus a partity rebuild and
  fsck, since I not only did dd of a live fs but did two disks at
  different times!

  check that it is ok with rebooting, raid, etc.  

  unpacked modules (with pax -rz -pe of modules.tgz|gunzip)

  saved /netbsd (5) as /netbsd.ok, put in GENERIC that I built myself
  with release (on 9 amd64 has the host).  I have upgraded a
  2006 macbook with this build and it is fine -- but it was only coming
  from 9 a few months before


I found that:

  system did not return to the net

  console looked ok.  I could log in.

  However "ifconfig -a" (the netbsd5 version) gave zero output.

  (obviously, ifconfig not working caused the networking startup to

  modstat complained about /dev/lkm, but I am not sure that's related.

  i put /netbsd.ok back and rebooted.  it came back on the net

I brought the netbsd 5 ifconfig over to my macbook, needed to get
libprop.0, and then it started but crashed.

So it's starting to look like a 9 kernel doesn't actually support 5

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