On 27/05/2022 17:18, Steve Blinkhorn wrote:
1. How to limit /etc/daily,weekly,monthly so they do not cross nfs mount points? One of my development systems crashes occasionally when left running a long job after hours. It reboots itself, but nfs connections to it are not restored. What I don't notice is that /etc/daily now hangs on a public-facing machine. Gradually the humber of processes increases day by day until I have numerous find, tee, sendmail and sh proceses all stuck.
What paths have you got NFS mounted on the client?I've got 2 BSD system both 9.2-STABLE one of which provides an NFS /home and a few other odd paths as well to the other. The /etc/daily process on the client isn't scanning the server filesystems in my setup and I'm not aware of any specific setting I had to turn on to get that behaviour.