Ekkor: 2022. június 2. 21:04:48 CEST, chris greek
<chrisfromgreece%gmail.com@localhost> írta:
>I can't add accent marks on letters ,only on Qt Applications ! , i'm
>using english and greek keyboards layouts
>I have installed NetBSD and on the installer i had selected us english
>by mistake
>I can't add accent marks on qt applications like featherpad kate qterminal etc
>Where i can add them on gedit firefox libreoffice etc etc
>Something has to do with qt ?
>For example to add tone/accent on α
>i press the ; key and the i press the letter ά
Hi Chris,
My first step would be to open a terminal, and as a normal user, issue
this command:
setxkbmap gr
Then try typing greek characters in libreoffice.
If it works, then write this command into your .xinitrc and/or
.xsession file, to make it persistent.
Try typing greek characters in your terminal, too. If it does not
work, then install an appropriate fixed character set (search for it
with something like 'pkgin se font'), and setup the terminal program
to use it.
I hope this helps.