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Re: NetBSD quit connecting to the 'net (Todd Gruhn) writes:

>I remember " #Generated by resolvecon f" -- so it is generated by dhcpcd.

>Now what can I do about it?

Assuming that you do get an IP address, netmask (and default route) from
DHCP, you need to find out why you don't get the nameserver config.

A dhcpcd -U reports the data (lease) it got from the DHCP server.
In addition to e.g. 'ip_address', it should have entries for
'domain_name_servers' and 'domain'.

If the ip address is there, but not name server list, you need to check
the DHCP server configuration.

N.B. you can mis-configure dhcpcd too, so if you changed its config, it
might be useful to restore the default config first.

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