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EST available frequencies drops during operation

Hello everybody,

on my Lenovo X230 (Intel Core i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz) with NetBSD 9.0_RC1 (amd64) I have made a strange observation several times. Especially under high load (the CPU temperature was well over 90 degrees Celsius), the computer seemed to be very slow, even after the load decreased.

The reason seems to be as follows. Under normal conditions I get:

    x230Mk4$ sysctl machdep.est.frequency.available
machdep.est.frequency.available = 2601 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200

In the situation described above, I get:

    x230Mk4$ sysctl machdep.est.frequency.available
    machdep.est.frequency.available = 1200

It seems as if the available clock frequencies are dropped during operation, so that the computer / OS can no longer clock itself to a higher step. After a reboot, everything has become normal again.

Another note: I have the feeling that the problem occurs frequently when I use Qemu VMs (with nvmm) - in my case especially Windows 10 32 bit. It could of course be the nature that Qemu generates a lot of load and that this is a thermal problem. In the meantime, I have set estd so that frequencies above 2200 MHz are avoided, hoping to get overheating under control and not get the problem. So far, that hasn't really helped.

Has anyone ever observed something like this and knows advice?

Kind regards

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