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miniroot & cgdroot documentation

Is there any reason why miniroot.kmod and cgdroot.kmod
from release/arch/installation/minitroot aren't documented?

I'm asking because I want to modify cgdroot's rc script to recognise
special gpt labels but I don't want the logic to be hidden deep
inside that rc script.

It already probes for a special "cgd.conf" label to identify a
partition with paramsfiles and the cgd.conf file. Once that partition
is mounted (as /etc/cgd), the script tries to configure the cgd0
device and it then tries to mount cgd0a. It implies that the root
partition is always a disklabel partition.

In some configurations, gpt is preferred over disklabel and the script
can be easily adjusted to also mount (after failing to mount cgd0a)
a gpt label "cgdroot". With this easy modification it's possible
to setup a gpt-only fully encrypted system by listing all additional
mount points in /etc/fstab using the NAME=label syntax.

PS Earlier version of cgdroot.kmod was only useful in certian
configurations because it hadrcoded disk names (wd0, sd0 an later
also ld0) but the new version will be usable by all gpt setups
as long as they have properly setup file systems in partitions
labeled "cgd.conf" and "cgdroot".


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