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Re: scsibus(4) limits

08.04.2019 16:57, Julian Coleman writes:
I am still trying to use disk array on NetBSD. It seems
that NetBSD is not capable to find devices with LUN number
higher than 7. Is that scsibus limitation or driver limitation
or /dev limitation?
isp0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0: QLogic FC-AL and 4Gbps Fabric PCI-E HBA
Guessing that this line is the problem:
     isp->isp_osinfo.chan[i].chan_nluns = uimin(isp->isp_maxluns, 8);
Can you try increasing that?  We probably need to increase the value for
FC-AL targets, and not hardcode it to 8.
Yes, I have changed it to 16 and now see them all. I do not know how to
set this correctly, but I am happy with hardcoded 16 :)

Thank you very much!

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