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Re: Clock Unsynchronized (Patrick Welche) writes:

>Feb  1 12:09:51 warbler ntpd[327]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized

>Hardware problem?

It's a regular message telling that your clock isn't synchronized.
This may happen after synchronization is lost and regained, but may also
before time is synchronized for the first time.

See also the ntp_adjtime man page:

     Possible states of the clock are:
           TIME_OK     Everything okay, no leap second warning.
           TIME_INS    ``insert leap second'' warning.
           TIME_DEL    ``delete leap second'' warning.
           TIME_OOP    Leap second in progress.
           TIME_WAIT   Leap second has occurred.
           TIME_ERROR  Clock not synchronized.

There are many reasons to lose synchronisation, a hardware error is only
one possibility.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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